CroyNielsen presents
Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick, Nina Beier, Andy Boot, Tobias Kaspar, Benoît Maire, Mandla Reuter
30.01.2010 - 06.02.2010, vernissage 29.01.2010

On the occasion of BerlinParis 2010, Croy Nielsen is pleased to present an exhibition gathering various strategies of erasure, subtraction and obstruction in relation to the image.
An idea that took point of departure in the works on view by Eric Bell and Kristoffer Frick: "Untitled? (2009) is a series of medium-sized frames made of aluminium in which the image is not bordered by the frame but placed as a sort of inlay, slightly recessed, along its narrow border. As only the periphery is revealed, the original images are reduced to ornaments, but at the same time turned into semi-functional objects, that could - potentially - be used as frames. Nina Beier's "Framing Horizontal Skyscraper Non Finito" (2009) belongs to a series of unique photographs in continuous transformation, starting out as a framed studio shot of one of her own artworks. Each time the work is exhibited, it is documented and a print of the new photograph replaces the previous one in the frame. With time and number of exhibitions the image will slowly, but progressively, disappear in itself. In this way paradoxically, the act of showing the work will ultimately hide the image. Subtraction and erasure takes a more formal turn in the works by Andy Boot: his sculpture "Google Image Search of a Mountain #2" (2009) consists of a brown paper bag, whose logo has been erased. Inside of it, a painted wood plank leans against the wall, and carries a small piece of canvas on which the contour of a mountain can be traced. The cheap materials seem contradictory to the strategy of Google image search, but there is a parallel in terms of generating several layers and then subtracting information. The film on view by Tobias Kaspar: "Some sentences and text fragments, projected onto a person in blue jeans and white T-shirt" (2009) has been made by means of a simple, analogue blue screen effect: white text fragments are beamed onto a person in a completely darkened room and hereby filmed. The person is moving, so that every now and then we see an arm, a pair of jeans, and a white T-shirt. The text consists of different quotes, notes, or comments made by friends of the artist or taken from books and films. The work by Mandla Reuter is dealing with absence and total overflow of information at the same time: "Untitled" (2009) is a framed offset print that has been printed with 320 percent colour applicationi.e., maximum ink saturationthereby producing the blackest black possible. It has been wallpapered onto an aluminium sheet, which previously has been painted with wall paint. Despite the obstruction of imagery via total saturation, the background on which the print has been pasted takes on a sculptural quality, and as such paradoxically engenders presence through absence.
For further information please contact info@croynielsen.de